“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”

Executive Coordination of two Master courses at NOVA IMS:
Master in Information Management and Business Intelligence in Healthcare (since 2011);
Master in Intelligence Management and Security (since 2013).
Curricular Units taught at NOVA DOCTORAL SCHOOL:
Research Skills Development (in partnership with Imperial College London);
Design Thinking
Finishing your PhD - my next 90 days
Curricular Units taught on Master's level:
Knowledge Management; Innovation Models and Design Thinking; Change Management; Digital Marketing; Marketing Planning and Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Strategy and Innovation.
Other teaching activities:
Design Thinking - Instituto Superior Técnico
Strategy and Marketing - ENSP (National Public Health School)
Corporate Marketing - ISCSP
It’s great to learn together
Lucky to have shared the class with inspiring student’s that are very kind in their comments and appreciation